  • MattiasLind
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
When I try to upgrade it fails with passwords not working.

I've been trying straight from 1.9.4, and upgrade from 1.9.5.

There are errors during the upgrade.

The Views.SQL have a subquery settiung aliases to v and w. This fails, change alias to w1 solves that issue.

The problem with DLL's from 1.9.5 still in BIN-folder solved.

And then there were these *.xml files in the binfolder corresponding to the DLL's... They are removed too...

After upgrade Everything looks great besides login on. It fails on the password, well I know the password is correct as it worked Before the upgrade and I even "downgrade" and the cached password works again.

Honestly, what's wrong with YAF? I'm running a huge forum, with quite alot Active members. We're talking about tens of thousands onlyne simultanously...

They are screaming phpBB, and I having hard times finding reasons for staying with YAF... I've been trying to solve this crap for months now.

When I read through the forum there are more people with the same or similar issues...

Come on, what is the problem?


  • Thantis
  • 81.8% (Honored)
  • YAF Commander
11 years ago
Well, when I first read this I wasn't sure if you were just flaming or actually asking for help. Then I noticed you had 1 post. So if you have been trying to solve this for "months" why did you just now post on the forum? Your first post request for help being "RAWR I'M AN ANGRY GUY, FIX MY PROBLEM OR I'LL RUN OFF TO SOMETHING EASIER! YOU SUCK, I HATE YOU!" doesn't really help solve the issue your having.

Calm down, explain the "Errors" your having during the upgrade process, tell us more about your setup, what OS, are you hosting yourself or via someone else, these things will actually allow people to HELP you rather than instantly want to ignore you. As it stands you don't give enough information for anyone to help you, except maybe the folks who wrote the code, and your approach isn't likely to make them very excited to hop into your problem.

Though I am guessing from your first post this isn't likely to matter to you, but people here do want to help, and are more than willing to do so. Remember, these guys aren't getting paid to come here and help solve the problems people have.

  • MattiasLind
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
Well, I'm kind of frustrated. Yes, I know this is a Community thingy. And I am really grateful for the time and effort put in to developing YAF. I've been running it for quite some time, and built my own phpBB to YAF 1.9.1 converter that solved the bbcodes junk. But I'm a database guy and down in the data I'd like to solve the issue. What I really love with YAF is the Clean database schema. Well, for large sites there are needs. The database could really use a higher grade of normalisation. But anyway...

From day one there been issues with installing YAF. There are bad T-SQL, for example you should never use aliases that might generate error when different collations are in Place. The v, w thing in VIEWS.SQL for example. Ok, if you know your SQL you can easily fix that.

The upgrade between 1.9.4 to 1.9.5 worked close to smoothly. The VIEWS.SQL issue needed to be solved. Logon was possible.

The upgrade from 1.9.4 straight to 1.9.6 failed with a number of issues.

The upgrade from 1.9.5 to 1.9.6 had some problems. The DLLs in BIN, the WEB.CONFIG cleanout and merge....

When I was done with the INSTALL part it all looked great, the password failed during logon.

I created a new user, email activation and all. Even that user fails to logon.

I'm not the only one with these issues.

Yes, this is my second post. Trust me I've read every topic that is close to my problem. After I read Colleens questions and felt with hers frustration I felt I needed to post a question as well. Even is it's asked Before as this issue not have been solved.

But ok...

I'm running YAF on a Windows Server 2008R2, IIS7.5, Another Windows Server 2008R2 running SQL Server 2012, A third Windows Server 2008R2 as a domain controller for my DMZ.

I'm doing Windows Authentication, SSPI, forced Kerberos, as well as Domain Isolation using IPSEC.

During install I allow "Everyone" "Full Control" in the installdirectory. yes, of course do I stop access through my firewall Before I change the permissions, and after the install I remove the added permissions. There are only read permissions during normal usage besides for the upload directory. I also gives the YAF SQL login sysadmin role-membership during install just to make sure Everything may be created.

Yes, the SQL Server is a dedicated server.

Yes, I know alot abot Active Directory. I'm one of the lucky few that workes with Active Directory since 1998. And most of you ppl know it Went public with Windows Server 2000. I'm also a SQL Server MVP. And a WIndows Server Technologies trainer. My focus is Active Directory, and SQL Server. I'm not a .Net Developer, even if I proably can read through all the sourcecode and figure this out. I do have alot of other work to do besides running this free Community I'm running. If you google me you'll probably find me... *smiles


  • MattiasLind
  • 50.2% (Neutral)
  • YAF Forumling Topic Starter
11 years ago
So, what I want is to let my user keep their password after the upgrade. And I do not want to spend any time solving it myself in the database. HASHING passwords, do bitswitches in integers and so on... I shouldn't have to...